Formal Debate

The debate course I took in my second year of college changed me. Of all the things I learned in that course, the most transforming lesson came from preparing for an upcoming debate. The assigned topic always had opposing viewpoints and preparation included research on both viewpoints. We never knew which side of the debate we would be required to present. To have any chance of earning a good grade and doing well in the debate required us to seriously 

It’s fun to learn something new even when it can be initially dauntingTeamwork
Don’t take things personally
Consider and think about others’ perspectives
How to form balanced, informed arguments and to use reasoning and
To utilize objective analysis to be applied to ideas
To keep my emotions in check
To have faith and confidence in myself
Ethical communication  
Meet great people and expand your understanding of the world
Enhances the ability to structure and organize thoughts
Enhances analytical, research and note-taking skills
Develops effective speech composition and delivery
Improves rigorous higher order and critical thinking skills   
Debate students are encouraged to remember they are not arguing, they are debating, attacking the argument and not the person.
A distinction, which we find, stays with them long after they’ve left the
classroom. Y
oung people are exposed to a number of different opinions and
viewpoints; some from their parents, some from their education, the
media and their peers. However, debate offers young people the
opportunity to challenge their own opinions along with the opinions and beliefs of others in a safe and educational environment.
Debate teaches participants to engage in healthy discussion, to think
more critically about their sometimes inherited opinions and to really
understand their origins and their validity by using facts and personal
objectivity as well as life experience to defend, change or present their
Various legitimate perspectives always exist
As much as possible, learning to view the issue through the opposition’s
eyes is really helpful
Usually all parties have the same goal; but they see different ways to reach that goal
Published in: on December 28, 2021 at 11:12 am  Leave a Comment  

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